plumbing residential


More people now are getting depend on SHE Pozo Negro & Plumbing Service now.,
than on any other company
such as MALA- - - - N ,
for plumbing , drain cleaning , and pozo negro services.
We are now known as Metro Manila Neighborhood Plumber.

Emergency service is our specialty ! You can depend on us 24 hours a day,
and you can schedule service appoinment in your convinence.

Residential plumbing , drain cleaning , pozo negro repair includes the
de clogging , repair, installation , and replacement of :

* Main line or inlet pipe line
* Sewer line
* Outlet pipe line or over flow
* Toilet Bowl
* Floor Drains
* Zink
* Rain pipe line
* Faucet
* Zink
* Toilet
* Shower and tubs
* Water line pipe works
* Grease trap/ Dishwasher
* Septic tank

Ask now for free inspection and estimate ! 

24/7 hotline 453-1722

09087260000 / 09227006411


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